Archive for May, 2007

Drawing Personality review

Just so you know, that test is really about how you answer the questions more than how you draw. The questions are not really very good either. There are 3 choices for about 5 questions about your picture. So, that only really gives a few variations. You know a test is wrong or at least poor, when a husband and wife score nearly the same. Brian and I are almost complete opposites and yet got very similar descriptions based on our pictures, which I’m not sure, but I’d assume looked very different (he is a computer-geek/artist, so I’d hope his would look a little better than mine!)


Drawing Personality

drawing personality

The results of your analysis say:

You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn’t actually dishearten you all that much. You have a peaceful mind, viewing the world with calm and serenity. To you, life is not about struggle and strife but about existence and co-existence. You like following the rules and being objective. You are precise and meticulous, and like to evaluate decisions before making them. You have a sunny, cheerful disposition.What does your drawing say about YOU?


Cool Beans

I’ve been taking some strolls down memory lane recently. Eila dripped a bit of jelly out of her sandwich (she now eats pb&j, yippee!) and it reminded me of lunch everyday at SHS when Steve would drop jelly from his sandwich. I finally got to reconnect with my better half (the square root of Shan squared). Brian and I took Eila to see the dinosaurs this weekend and had lunch near the Bell Tower, parking on East Ann. Grant came over and wanted to listen to Five Iron Frenzy. We went to Chicago, home to many a great trip in the past and a fun time seeing my sister. Brian and I went on a date, just like when we were young… It was all very cool beans.


Friday’s Feast

Tell about a time when you had to be brave.

A few months ago, we went to California to visit my sister and we did some mountain climbing. I couldn’t let my fear of heights get in the way…

Which upcoming movie are you excited about seeing?

None, really. I’m looking forward to Harry Potter and will probably go see Spiderman 3 with Brian this weekend.

Name an item you try to always have on hand.

Diapers. They are useful for more than the conventional usage (the cloth ones, at least.)
Main Course
Imagine the most relaxing room you can think of. Now describe it!

It’s a quiet, sun-filled room with a balcony and open doors, no bugs, but a gentle breeze. There’s a very comfy chair where I am reading a book or enjoying the view of the ocean.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), how spiritual or religious are you?

I guess I’m a 9; I believe that all of life has spiritual basis or consequences, but I don’t like to think of myself as religious, ie. following a religion. Honestly, though, I do adhere to a religion, namely Evangelical Christianity.


It’s Raining…

So, Eila loves the zoo (animals, as she calls it) and so do I (Josiah could go either way at this point.). It is fun to see all of the animals up close and read a little about them each visit. It’s also fun to be outside and get a little exercise. We decided to take a quick trip to see the fabulous animals yesterday afternoon, knowing that a storm may be coming at anytime.

As we pulled into the parking lot, many people were heading out of the zoo and as we walked through the gate, we felt the first few drops. So, I quickly headed to an indoor exhibit, especially seeing the dark clouds and feeling how the wind was picking up. While, we visited with the penguins, the hail and violent wind and rain poured down outside. After a considerable amount of time watching the penguins, jumping like them, dancing, looking up, singing songs, and reading all about them and talking to all the other (very wet) patrons of this exhibit, we decided that the rain & hail were taking as big a break as we’d get and rushed over to the bird house. Inside the bird house, we found and counted all sorts of birds, sang, splashed in puddles (where the rain was coming in), and exhausted ourselves as much as possible; we even tried to sneak into the butterfly area, but had no such luck. When our bladders could handle no more of the waterfall and rain sounds, we covered up as much as possible and ran to the toilets. The rain was letting up a bit, so we trekked out to Amphibiaville and had the place to ourselves and the frogs, salamanders and crickets. As soon as we were ready to leave, the rain was letting up and the sun was even peaking out. By this time, though, it was already 5pm – closing time.

The zoo is fun, even in the rain and possibly more educational that way. It only takes a short time to enjoy the zoo; we could’ve left after the penguin house, but I didn’t want to run through the rain to the car…


Portable Preschool

Some friends and I are starting up a portable preschool co-op for our two-year-olds. This adventure seemed to us like a good idea. We have a wealth of resources – moms who are trained teachers and love kids, homes where we can meet, books, puzzles, toys, music, art supplies, creativity, and of course, energetic children. And, it is a lot less expensive that a Christian preschool or the International one where I was considering sending Eila (and may still at a later time).
Originally, we planned to have one mom teach and one mom assist, but it turns out that we all need to be present to control our children and establish the routine, so for a while we are all meeting (with younger siblings) and trying to learn how to do preschool. We will transition to the two adults to five kids ratio, but it’s still a bit unrealistic.
Fortunately, we all seem to share similar expectations for what the kids can do and learn. It is fun seeing them adjust to circletime, sitting and listening as well as participating and raising their hands. They love to dance and sing and eat (who doesn’t) and are getting better at sharing and taking turns. I wonder how long until we can start doing more than one story during circletime. I bet it would go better if three of the teachers weren’t wearing babies as well as trying to teach and coral toddlers…


My Sweet Babies

Eila and Josiah in the jogging stroller


Josiah’s Birthday?

There has been a great deal of discussion today about Joe’s birthday. First, Eila sang “Happy Birthday, Josiah Robert” and told him that it’s his birthday and we should have cake and ice cream. Then, Brian and I were talking about how kids grow up so fast… Joe is already 8 months. From this followed the disagreement about when his actual birthday is – September 6th or September 7th. Guess who won?

It wasn’t me. I apparently have the same problem with my children’s birthdays that my mother has. She has never gotten my birthday right (always saying it’s one day later than it actually is… no hard feelings, but lots of teasing!) and now I am following in her footsteps. I am hoping that by admitting my ignorance publicly, I’ll be able to remember that Josiah’s birthday is the 7th and not be confused again. We’ll see!


No Accent?

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)Midland(“Midland” is not necessarily the same thing as “Midwest”) The default, lowest-common-denominator American accent that newscasters try to imitate. Since it’s a neutral accent, just because you have a Midland accent doesn’t mean you’re from the Midland.Personality Test Results
Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.


Friday’s Feast

Friday’s Feast is something I saw on another blog and it looked interesting. So I’ve decided to add this meme to my posting. At least, there will be one post a week (if I remember to do it…) I hope you enjoy it.
Name something you would not want to own.

I definitely would not want a spider or snake of any sort.
Describe your hair (texture, color, length, etc.).

My hair is very fine, longish, and naturally dark blonde, with lots of light blonde and a few red highlights.

Finish this sentence: I’ll never forget ___________.

I’ll never forget the first time Brian held my hand.
Main Course
Which famous person would you like to be for one day? Why?

I’d like to be Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, because I think it might be interesting and a good way to make a large impact for good, for just one day.

Write one sentence about yourself that includes one thing that is true and another thing that is not.

Making dinner and entertaining others is fun and easy for me.


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