Archive for October, 2007

Best of Times

There are some parts of my life that I wouldn’t trade with anyone – no matter what. Several moments like that occur everyday and I want to treasure and remember them! Here are few examples of precious events over the past two weeks… being the apple of my husband’s eye, vacuuming the rug with Eila and Josiah each using a toy vacuum to help, reading books in Eila’s bed while nursing Josiah, Brian taking care of everything so I could sleep for two days, waving to Josiah and that being the funniest thing he has ever seen, sharing zerberts with the kids and them spitting on me in return, ribbing Brian for wanting another computer, saying to Brian “what can I do to keep Josiah from falling out of the stroller?” as Joe slams his head into the cement at Zoo Boo, and hearing Eila say “I love you, Mommy!” and Josiah shake his head furiously and laugh “Nnno!”


Mimicking Me

Some people think it’s cute that little kids are just like their parents. I used to think like that until my little girl started talking just like I do. It is not cute at all. In fact, it is very sad and disheartening to hear what I sound like to others. It is not new news to me that I am not the person with the most kind and gentle speech or the most patient and polite requests, but I did not understand at all to what degree I assault the ears of those who must listen to me complain and boss others around! I hear the tone of my very sweet 2-1/2 year-old daughter and am disgusted as well as convicted about how I talk to her and everyone else around me. The words themselves could use some refining, but the real issue is the delivery.

I feel like such a hypocrite when I make Eila use kind words to talk to Josiah and to request something, since she is simply doing what I do… Yet, I know that she has to be taught how to interact with others and how to love and be kind. The best way for her to learn is to watch, so I have to relearn and pray for God to unteach her everything that I have inadvertently modeled for her in my attitude and actions, but especially in my speech.


Friday’s Feast

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?

8 – I love to be treated extra special and be the center of love and attention at our house!
What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?

careful, being full or care or worries doesn’t have the same idea that I want it to when I tell my kids to be careful…

Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?

I also want sunglasses and when I can find mine, I will wear them again. They are cheap, brown frames or I have black ones too.

Main Course
If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?

Depends of the topic, but probably to my husband or my mom.

Name a beverage that you enjoy.

Carmel Marvel at the coffee shop formerly known as Beaners.


Potty Training

So, this has been a part of my life for over 15 months now and I think that at least during awake times, it is pretty much done! Do you hear me singing and rejoicing and see me dancing all around with relief and sheer wonder that God could finally get my stubborn little girl to just decide to be done!?! About 10 days ago, Eila just decided that she wanted to wear her panties and not pull-ups anymore and that she would tell me when she needed to go (and that she would also get a treat every time she volunteered to go potty.) She has only had two accidents since then, and one was my fault, since she told me and I forgot to take her… oops. I am really hoping and praying that the pacifier habit will be broken in much the same way – she’ll just decide to be done! It’s not looking promising since, earlier this week she told me that she would want and need her “succette” to go to sleep “forever and ever.”

Alas, I am starting with Josiah’s potty training for no other reason than that he loves the toilet and often seems to want to go. He definitely urinates each time I put him on the potty, and has now officially pooped several times on the potty. If I pay attention, he’ll let me know when he needs to go and I can take him, but I am not consistent, which, of course, is the key. So, I’ve returned to cloth diapers (after a haiatus of 2-3 months) and am thus a little more motivated to pay attention to Joe’s cues. Maybe, in 18 months, he’ll be ready to be done with diapers too…

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I have a lot of responsibilities. We all do. Almost all of my responsibilities are things that I “signed up” or “volunteered” for, but some are not, which doesn’t make them any less necessary. The ones I “chose” include: being a wife, mom, MOPS coordinator, preschool teacher, friend. The ones I didn’t exactly pick include: being a child, housekeeper, cook, errand runner/shopper, and almost all the ones listed under things I chose… Insane time commitments, messiness, humility, and sacrifice are parts of every responsibility that I have – that make it challenging and often make me want to quit or give up.

Fortunately, there are also great rewards that come with every responsibility. Cleanliness, love, joy, seeing God’s glory and being a part of His work, as well as being able to survive are just a few of the benefits of fulfilling my responsibilities. Best of all is the growth and change in me as I live up to the responsibilities that I have and see God’s hand shaping me as a result of the sacrifices and humility and messiness in it all. It is amazing that just doing what I’m supposed to do can have such positive results personally, but also for everyone around me as well!


Friday’s Feast

How are you today?

Excited to see how God uses MOPS to glorify His Name!
Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.

Top Chef (Bravo)

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team 2

The Office

What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?

Driving in a torrential downpour with hail.
Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?

The south of France

What do you usually wear to sleep?

jammy pants and tank top


Basking in the Sun

Today, I spent at least 15 minutes just sitting on the couch letting the warmth of the sun wash over me. It was the most wonderful thing. I have been busy like I cannot believe and very tired and stressed with all that I have to do, but I knew I was getting burned out and needed a rest today, so I stayed up late last night to clean up and got up early to do some more things. Resting in God’s love and remembering His strength is what allows me to do all thing, meditating on some much loved Scripture and thanking God for providing and answering my many prayers over the last few weeks… this has been essential and makes me want to sing my Savior’s praises from the top of my lungs. But as my kids are napping, and I am also very much enjoying the peace and quiet this provides, I will suffice to shout His praises through the computer.


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