Archive for May, 2010

On My Own Again

The crazy thing is that while I’ve left my husband for several trips around the country, he has never gone anywhere on his own until this week.

I’m so glad that he’ll be back tonight as the middle kid is just beside himself with his great need for Daddy. I also really want him to fix the shower that #3 broke… Hee Hee.

Really though, I miss my hubby. He is a truly great guy. I love that he makes me laugh – hard. He is kind and thoughtful in everything that he does. Brian never wants to upset or hurt anyone and I really admire that in him. He is generous, but not irresponsible. He is considerate and cautious, but not indecisive. My loving husband works hard and provides for our family without complaint – even on the days when I’ve been having all kinds of fun while he was dealing with difficult situations. I could go on and on as I eagerly wait for him to fly back home. I’ll just say one more thing: Brian is loyal and completely trustworthy, which is probably more important to me than I ever realized. I love him and can’t wait to re-do his birthday so it feels really special because he deserves it.


True Religion

Caring for orphans and widows is a very clear command in the Bible. There is simply no excuse for not helping those who need it, and the benefits are many. A simple way to care for orphans, without adopting or fostering them, is to support those who do. Here’s a link to one family that is selling shirts to raise funds to adopt a child from Ethiopia. Go. Buy. Love.

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Cooking Up Something Good

With all the rain we’ve been getting, I’ve been doing a lot of baking. Yesterday, the kids and I made some bread and crescent rolls (at Eila’s request, but she didn’t like them). Monday, we made corn dogs (at Josiah’s request, which he loved) and today we made Snickerdoodles (per Joe’s wish). We also made a yummy lentil dish.

Everyone loved the lentils with chicken and rice. Here’s the recipe:
1 T. olive oil
1 small onion, diced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 T. spices (oregano, basil, rosemary, marjoram, parsley, thyme)
1.5 cups lentils
4 cups chicken broth
lemon juice
balsamic vinegar
asiago cheese

Saute the onion, carrot, and garlic in olive oil. Add spices. Dump this mixture into rice cooker and add lentils and chicken broth. When tender, add a couple splashed of lemon juice and a splash of vinegar. Serve with rice and leftover chicken and top with grated cheese.


Book Review: In Search of the Source

In Search of the Source A First Encounter with God’s Word by Neil Anderson with Hyatt Moore is a phenomenal book. A dear friend of mine lent me this non-fiction story about translating the Bible for the Folopa people in PNG, knowing that my dream job would be doing that very thing. It is a quick, easy read filled with interesting adventures of a missionary family in a very unfamiliar place. I especially appreciated the (limited) discussion of techniques for developing the written word, teaching literacy and then the work of translation itself. More than just an enjoyable read, there is also an element of spiritual challenge contained herein as the Folopa come to understand that God knew them and has always been at work in their lives even when they didn’t know Him.
