Archive for March, 2010

Spring Fever

I must have spring fever. I am making plans to garden and have even been thinking about building my own raised garden bed. I do NOT have a green thumb and our current garden area has been reclaimed by weeds and grass. But, in my free time now, I’m researching seeds and plants and when to grow them and how and ideal locations… hoping that one day, the ground won’t be frozen and maybe something green and delicious will grow out of it. Care to dream with me? What will you plant this year?


What Not To Share

I talk about sharing a lot during my day. For the most part, we all share pretty well. But, the kids apparently are no good at not sharing.

Eila got a stomach bug last Wednesday and by Sunday afternoon our house was a hazardous waste zone. All five of us were sick and feeling lousy. Unfortunately, Josiah got a nasty cold at the same time so he was coughing and running a fever in addition to his stomach flu. The next day, TJ had a fever and lots of cold symptoms and of course, the following day, Eila joined her brothers with a cold virus. Eila found it very funny to cough on my head. She was cracking herself up until she saw that I was not laughing…
