June 26, 2010 at 9:54 pm
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I’m so excited because today I got to meet my new nephew and cuddle him! He is adorable, so sweet and so heavy. When I first saw him, I looked at him and he looked right back at me and grinned the biggest gummy smile ever. I knew I liked him…
You can learn more if you want at my sister’s adoption blog. She has some pictures there too. I just wish they lived closer!
May 20, 2010 at 9:05 pm
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The crazy thing is that while I’ve left my husband for several trips around the country, he has never gone anywhere on his own until this week.
I’m so glad that he’ll be back tonight as the middle kid is just beside himself with his great need for Daddy. I also really want him to fix the shower that #3 broke… Hee Hee.
Really though, I miss my hubby. He is a truly great guy. I love that he makes me laugh – hard. He is kind and thoughtful in everything that he does. Brian never wants to upset or hurt anyone and I really admire that in him. He is generous, but not irresponsible. He is considerate and cautious, but not indecisive. My loving husband works hard and provides for our family without complaint – even on the days when I’ve been having all kinds of fun while he was dealing with difficult situations. I could go on and on as I eagerly wait for him to fly back home. I’ll just say one more thing: Brian is loyal and completely trustworthy, which is probably more important to me than I ever realized. I love him and can’t wait to re-do his birthday so it feels really special because he deserves it.
May 16, 2010 at 10:47 pm
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Caring for orphans and widows is a very clear command in the Bible. There is simply no excuse for not helping those who need it, and the benefits are many. A simple way to care for orphans, without adopting or fostering them, is to support those who do. Here’s a link to one family that is selling shirts to raise funds to adopt a child from Ethiopia. Go. Buy. Love.
April 18, 2010 at 1:24 pm
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Last week, I was the speaker for the MOPS group that I attend. The topic I was asked to speak on was Healthy Living, which is something that I’m fairly passionate about. I was hesitant to commit for several reasons: Thaddeus had not made it through an entire MOPS meeting without needing me, I enjoy learning about healthy living, but am no expert nor do I want others to think I am (and hold me to some sort of standard), I hadn’t spoken in front of or taught a large group in many years and was frankly a little scared at the prospect of “teaching” my peers, I was a little concerned about when and how I would prepare for a talk as I can barely keep up with the laundry and the daily tasks involved in caring for three children, helping my hubby and keeping house, and the list goes on.
Yesterday, the speaker at the women’s retreat I attended shared a quote from Henry Blackaby, “I have come to the place in my life that, if the assignment I sense God is giving me is something that I know I can handle, I know it probably is not from God. The kind of assignments God gives in the Bible are always God-sized.” I don’t know if I agree with this statement for myself, but I do know that the MOPS speaking thing was something that I really couldn’t do on my own and yet I sensed clearly that God was asking this of me. So, I did it. It was a lot of work: 18-20 hours of total prep and practicing (and I know it didn’t have to be so much, but I am what some call an overachiever or perfectionist and don’t know how to stop!) But, truth be told, I really enjoyed it (aside from knowing that Thad had cried for an hour before he collapsed into a weary sleep).
However, I don’t think I’m ready to do anymore for a while and I’ll be returning to my little bubble at home focusing on the little ones I’ve been called to cuddle, correct, and otherwise care for…
March 7, 2010 at 11:33 pm
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I must have spring fever. I am making plans to garden and have even been thinking about building my own raised garden bed. I do NOT have a green thumb and our current garden area has been reclaimed by weeds and grass. But, in my free time now, I’m researching seeds and plants and when to grow them and how and ideal locations… hoping that one day, the ground won’t be frozen and maybe something green and delicious will grow out of it. Care to dream with me? What will you plant this year?
January 2, 2010 at 11:19 pm
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After a fabulous visit with family over the past two weeks, we are all pretty tired. Apparently, family fun involves leaving our house every morning with lot of diapers and a few changes of clothes to return home well after the wee ones’ usual bedtime, think 3-4 hours after.
So, tonight the kids were all in bed at 7pm and Brian and I watched (part of) a free movie from amazon-Thanks to freeismylife.com! While this isn’t at all normal, it’s the fast track to get everyone back in the swing of normal. Here’s hoping that they all sleep until the sun rises…
December 14, 2009 at 10:41 pm
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1. Eila talks with God and knows that what she asks for, she’ll get.
2. Josiah only cut his eyebrow/lid and didn’t need stitches.
3. Thaddeus slept for almost 10 hours last night, without waking up to feed.
4. Brian went grocery shopping and prepared tonight’s dinner over the weekend.
5. My parents joined us for a super comfort food dinner on Saturday.
6. We had a great time at the Kraly’s church’s Christmas pageant on Sunday.
7. Our kitchen is super bright with a complete set of working lightbulbs.
8. The final book in the series I’ve been reading is on hold at the library.
9. I’m done with my Christmas shopping, mostly.
10. My bed has flannel sheets and is warm and waiting for me.
Of course, there are many more…
November 19, 2009 at 10:03 pm
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I think that one of Detroit’s best kept secrets is the Wayne County Lightfest Grand Opening. I love it. We went last year in the blizzard and had a great time. This year the weather was so nice, and it was even better. At 6pm, kids were invited up on stage and then Santa and the political gurus turned on the lights and the fun began (around 6:15pm). They have a great fireworks display with loud music – loud enough that the sound of the fireworks isn’t scary or really even noticeable (even to Josiah, who was so afraid of threat of booms that he covered his ears from the time we drove into the parking lot until I grabbed on to his hand as we walked to the stage). Eila and Josiah danced and screamed and enjoyed all the festivities, which include bagels, donuts, and drinks. Then we returned to our cars and drove slowly through the light display for free.
November 18, 2009 at 9:54 pm
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The first ever sisters weekend was so much fun. I met one of my sisters in LA where one of my other sisters lives and the three of us talked, ate, hiked, and generally relaxed together.
I had the best time and hope that we will do it again (maybe with more sisters). Pedicures, manicures, movie, talking, hiking, talking, beach, shopping, restaurants, quiet house, church, and car rides were a blast. I cannot tell a lie (like all of Miss Allen’s students); it was really nice to be carefree and real with my sisters.
November 11, 2009 at 3:06 pm
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Sunshine and I get along just dandy. We have finally and very gratefully been enjoying sunny, very warm for November days. I have raked leaves, gone for bike rides and walks, to the park, the zoo, and friends’ houses to play. I have also been dancing and singing with joy. I love the fall and the beautiful colors; there aren’t many left now, but I’m still having fun.