When I got out of the shower this morning, everything was steamy – just like always, but as I got ready, the steaminess never seemed to go away. I wiped off the mirrors and took out my contacts, only to discover that my left eye was at fault, not steam or my contact. So, I said to myself “Strange.” and put my contacts back in and went about my day. My left eye continued to have a blurry effect all day and only when I took my contacts out again tonight did I realize that it might actually be a problem. At that point, my eye began to really hurt and water uncontrollably and I remembered a time a not too long ago, when I felt this sort of pain in my eye – pink eye… the joy of small children, who lick your contact case when you aren’t looking!
Michelle said,
April 1, 2008 @ 6:44 am
Pink eye is really making the rounds this year! We had it a few months ago, it wasn’t fun to get rid of!
shan said,
April 3, 2008 @ 6:50 am
Amazingly, God cleared it up. I didn’t end up needing anitbiotics at all. Just a little water on a cotton ball to rinse out my eyes a few times for a few days.