A few weeks ago, I started to feel like I needed to be sure that I was getting enough of all the nutrients and that I should probably find a good multi-vitamin to take. After several months without dairy and eating what seemed like an awful lot of chips, I was really wondering if I was not getting all of what I needed. And, I’d been wanting to start Josiah and I on probiotics (I got Genestra) since we’ve not been eating yogurt or kefir as well as take some fish oil, which I’ve heard is really good for those with skin problems. So, I went to my local health food store and asked the friendly staff who recommended Her Daily Vitamin.
I must have been really low in my B-vitamins, because after just a few days I was full of energy and felt like a whole new woman. I could tell a huge difference and was loving the results. Now, after several weeks, I’m back to my normal self. I feel pretty good most days, but other days I’m really dragging. I think that the vitamins are worth taking and I’m continuing even though they cost a ton… When they run out, I’ll probably see if I can find a cheap, but good-quality whole-food vitamin – do those exist?
My kids don’t really like the fish oil, but they love the mango-flavored liquid multi-vitamin that I got for them. I’ve been mixing Josiah’s probiotic and fish oil and vitamin all in his orange juice and he doesn’t notice it at all. Eila drinks plenty of kefir and just takes the fish oil (with many protests) and vitamin (begging for more) straight. I’m glad I’ve started to do the probiotics especially with Josiah, but I wonder if (well, realize and know that) we should see a nutritionist or dietitian. I’m open to suggestions.
Cheryl said,
August 13, 2008 @ 9:22 am
Nutritionist or dietitian…I’m assuming you want an “all natural, homeopathic, etc., etc…” kind of person…and I have no clue…how about asking Mary? or looking in Ann Arbor…if you find someone let me know….Tim saw one many years ago with his Crohn’s…but she was in her 80’s then…I’ll see if he can remember how he found her…
I went to this place in AA – Indigo something…had it’s own apothocary…I’m betting they would have some suggestions. There was also a huge bulletin board that had ALL kinds of resources and specialists with their info……
Kristen said,
August 13, 2008 @ 9:17 pm
Remember B is for Brain (and everything that goes with it).
B’s are what helps everything else stay stable so you can be happier.
I’ll ask my cousin about the vitamins. She owns a health food store and it is like going into Zerbos (they know their stuff and aren’t’ just a college student trying to make a quick buck like some other “health” stores. I’m sure she will have a recommendation on something that is affordable and still good for you.
I am going to go to a D.O. soon who is also an alternative medicine guy, but he is too far away for you.
shan said,
August 14, 2008 @ 6:42 am
I love the B for Brian – great! Also, I was thinking about going out to the Indigo place in AA as I have a few friends that I’ve heard talk about it and wondered if they might have some good resources. Thanks for the help.