I Want a Re-Do

Today was one of those days that I wish I could start over and change just about everything. It was rainy and gloomy all day – still raining steadily.

I stayed in bed too long and didn’t enjoy a few moments with my husband before he left for work.

While I was in the shower, I was greeted by whines and screams as Josiah couldn’t make the blanket stay on the pillows.

When I got out, I realized that he had also peed on the couch, dumped out all the baskets in my bedroom and emptied the huge cedar chest at the end of my bed.

Eila ran around yelling at him to clean it up; she really didn’t want to wear shoes or a coat, until she saw the rain and then had to change completely. She ran through all the puddles as she went to the car and “ruined” her shoes (with great sobs.)

We were late for the meeting I was heading to. We never made it to the library or the grocery store.

Returning home, Josiah dumped water all over the rug in the living room. I yelled at him and put him in time out for getting more water after I told him to stop. He then tried to flush Eila’s sweater. I yelled again and sent him away and then lectured him.

Eila and I played Wii and then she whined and cried because I tried to help her navigate. I yelled at her that she can’t yell at me like that. She then threw a huge fit while I left to give her and me some space; it lasted for about 40 minutes when she was suddenly quiet – and asleep.

A few moments later Joe woke from his short nap and needed lots of cuddling and requesting candy.

Josiah asked me to help him put socks on his hands and then tried to climb into the oven – because that’s where Joshie was waiting for him.

While I tried to awaken Eila from an impromptu and late nap, he squished up all her orange slices and made orange juice. I yelled some more. I am very good at yelling, but now my throat hurts a little.

While I emptied the dishwasher and Josiah “helped” me and then went to play somewhere. He was actually painting with real house paint – one-half gallon dumped in the laundry room and on the already painted and previously ready-to-hang door for Eila’s new room. He got paint on the very few maternity clothes that fit me well and look okay… Fortunately, Brian came home at this point for about an hour before he left for a work dinner party. So, he got assigned to try to wake up Eila again.

Eila whined and whined. Then, Eila screamed and yelled and kicked and threw one of the biggest tantrums I’ve ever seen from her, which is really saying a lot, since she is a drama queen.

I moped and pouted about not going to a girls’ night out dinner with my friends and did puzzles with Eila until I couldn’t do any more.

I guess it was just a typical day, but I had a bad attitude all day and wish I had responded differently at so many points throughout the day…


  1. Cheryl said,

    December 11, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

    I’m sorry you had such a crummy day. We missed you at dinner. Would it help any if I told you I have plenty of days like this too? Thank goodness for forgiveness…and sunny, happy days. 🙂

  2. Rose Metz said,

    December 19, 2008 @ 8:55 am

    Hi Shannon, Oh my, how this sounds like so many of my days, and boy, do I wish I could do them over. Eric always seems so calm…well, I figure he doesn’t “deal” with them day in and day out…I find that I do lots of praying and that I say I’m sorry a lot and ask for forgiveness…and then feel terrible and pray that next time I can force myself into time out a little sooner. As I was reading your entry I was laughing to myself, because it sounded so familiar, and it helps me to know that I’m not the only one that doesn’t handle everything perfectly, even though I think that somehow I’m supposed to. I hope your day today goes well.

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