Scripture Memory

At our church, we’ve been having spiritual check-ups where each person at church has the opportunity to fill out a brief questionnaire with questions about spiritual health and then meet with our pastor for 15 minutes or so to get a prescription for growth or whatever is needed. So, I took full advantage of this and was challenged to make a plan for scripture memory for myself and my toddler to do together over the next 30 days. I found and ordered a set of verses designed for kids under 5 years old to use for memory (Foundation Verses from Desiring God). So, Eila and I are about to embark on an adventure of spending 5 minutes each day working on these verses. Today is our first day. She is already a little copycat, so I’m thinking that she’ll have the first verse memorized by tomorrow and be ready for the next one, while I’ll still be reading it and not have it down until next month. I guess I’m afraid that my two-year old will show me up in knowledge of the Bible. But, I guess that is a great thing and as I think about it, I can’t wait for that to happen. I’ll let you know how it all goes down. Hopefully, straight to the heart and mind to be used daily!

1 Comment »

  1. Kristen said,

    April 14, 2007 @ 7:27 pm

    Thanks for Teaching Genesis 1:1 to Annabelle. She tries to say the verse when we put up one finger… Just like you did when you taught her.

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