Crazy Lady

I mentioned today to some acquaintances that we are taking a family vacation soon and that I’m hoping that all three kids will sleep as we are taking a red-eye flight. The responses were many variations on the same theme. Some more sympathetic than others, but mostly just shock and horror at the prospect of flying overnight with three little ones. Maybe they are right and I really have fallen off my rocker, but it seems like a better plan that trying to entertain my wee bitty baby for five hours in my lap… Those older two will watch movies til their eyes fall out, so they should be fine no matter what, right? I pray these are not my famous last words.

1 Comment »

  1. Kristen said,

    February 27, 2011 @ 7:56 pm

    We take car trips 2 times a year for a 10-12 hour ride. After my last trip in the car, I said We should do this at night next time. Night is right! I agree that at least they may fall asleep. I hope you had a great trip!

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